

2021Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). Prosody and intonation in Formosan languages [台灣原住民語言的韻律及語調]. 博士論文, The Graduate Center, CUNY [研究生中心,紐約市立大學].閱讀在這邊:
2014Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). Representational Implications of the Phonologization of Contour Tones [聲調輪廓進入音韻的辦法的對表示的影響]. 碩士論文, The Graduate Center, CUNY [研究生中心,紐約市立大學].(鏈接)


2020Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "The prosodic structure of Pazeh. [巴宰語的韻律結構]"。在會議記錄,I. Paul (編輯),
AFLA 26: the Proceedings of the 26th meeting of the Austronesian Formal Linguistics Association
2019Fodor, Janet Dean,Benjamin Macaulay (莫佳明), Danielle Ronkos,Tally Callahan,及Tyler Peckenpaugh (投稿了)。“The Double Reading Paradigm: Assessing prosodic competence [兩次念方法論:檢驗韻律能力的辦法]”。在編輯卷,K. Carlson,C. Clifton Jr.及J.D. Fodor (編輯),Grammatical Approaches to Language Processing: Essays in Honor of Lyn Frazier [用句法態度調查語言處理:為Lyn Frazier博士的編輯卷],頁11–28。荷蘭多德雷赫特市:施普林格。-
2015Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "Synchronic and diachronic in phi-features of South Asian languages [南亞的語言的共時與歷時的φ特性]"。在會議記錄, 31st South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable [第31解析南亞的語言的會議] (SALA-31),頁49–51。(鏈接)
Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). “The Morphosyntax of Formality: A Typology and Inclusion in Feature Geometry [套語的形態句法:類型與素性幾何]”, University of Pennsylvania Working Papers in Linguistics [賓夕法尼亞大學語言學會議記錄],21:1。(鏈接)


2018Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). (投稿了) "Prosody and issues with late-stage documentation in Pazeh-Kaxabu [巴宰噶哈巫語的韻律與後期描述方法論]".-
Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "Language death and language change in Pazeh-Kaxabu [巴宰噶哈巫語:語言滅亡與語言變化]". Fourteenth International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics [第14難道玉溪的國際會議] (14-ICAL), 塔那那利佛大學, 馬達加斯加, 七月十七到二十號.-
Fodor, Janet Dean, Benjamin Macaulay (莫佳明), Danielle Ronkos, Tally Callahan, & Tyler Peckenpaugh. "Center-embedded sentences: an online problem or deeper? [兩層嵌進的句子:共時的問題還是更深?]" Lynschrift18, a conference in honor of the retirement of Professor Lyn Frazier from the UMass Department of Linguistics [為了Lyn Frazier的紀念文集的會議], 馬薩諸塞大學阿默斯特分校, 五月十九到二十號.-
Fodor, Janet Dean, Benjamin Macaulay (莫佳明), Danielle Ronkos, Tally Callahan, & Tyler Peckenpaugh. "Center-embedded sentences: an online problem or deeper? [兩層嵌進的句子:共時的問題還是更深?]" 海報介紹, 31st Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing [第31人類句子處理會議] (CUNY2018), 加利福尼亞大學戴維斯分校, 三月十五號.(摘要)
2017Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "The Hunt for Conservative Features in Last-Speaker Situations [在最終語者情況怎麼搜索守舊素性]". Connecting Innovative Research in CUNY Linguistics [紐約市立大學語言學博士生會議] (CIRCL), 研究生中心, 紐約市立大學, 十二月十二號.(下載)
2016Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "The State of Pazeh-Kaxabu [巴宰噶哈巫語的情況]". Connecting Innovative Research in CUNY Linguistics [紐約市立大學語言學博士生會議] (CIRCL), 研究生中心, 紐約市立大學, 十月十八號.(下載)
Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "When phonetics is not enough: syllable parsing and laryngeally-complex nuclei [語音學的時:音節處理與在音節核嵌進的喉音]". CUNY Phonology Forum 2016: Conference on Sonority [2016年的紐約市立大學音韻學會議:固有音響專題], 研究生中心, 紐約市立大學, 一月十四號.(鏈接)
2015Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). “Utsat tonogenesis and its implications for the representation of tone [回輝語的聲調發生與其涵義為聲調的表象]”, 13th International Conference on Austronesian Linguistics [第14難道玉溪的國際會議] (13-ICAL), 中央研究院, 台北市, 七月二十一號.(摘要)
Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "Synchronic and diachronic trends in phi-features of South Asian languages [南亞的語言的共時與歷時的φ特性]". 31st Annual South Asian Languages Analysis Roundtable [第31解析南亞的語言的會議] (SALA-31), 蘭卡斯特大學, 英國, 五月十四號.(摘要)
Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). "Phonological Knowledge Under Contact: Rethinking the ‘Spread’ of Tone [與接觸有關的語言變化:以反思聲調的'擴散']". 2015年的紐約市立大學音韻學會議:多種語言音韻學專題], 研究生中心, 紐約市立大學, 一月十六號.(鏈接)
2014Macaulay, Benjamin (莫佳明). “Using Sound Change to Inform Theories of Phonological Representation [用音韻變化發展音韻表象的理論]”, SYNC 2014, 石溪大學, 十二月六號.(摘要)
Macaulay, Benjamin. “The Morphosyntax of Formality: A Typology and Inclusion in Feature Geometry [套語的形態句法:類型與素性幾何]”, Penn Linguistics Conference 38 [第38賓夕法尼亞大學語言學會議] (PLC38), 賓夕法尼亞大學, 三月三十號.(摘要)